Mirrored Decorative Walls

Mirrored Decorative Walls

   If you are looking for awesome decorating ideas using mirrors, here we are! Our company Custom Cut Glass offers a wide variety of mirrors for mirrored walls. Just like mirrors, mirrored walls have the ability to make a room look bigger. They just double the space by replicating what’s already existent. Mirrored walls add depth to a room and, even though it’s just a mirage, it can really help in the case of small spaces. Bides that, there are also other advantages they come with. For example, a mirrored wall would also add style to a room. It can be done without actually interfering with the rest of the interior decor.

Whatever locations you choose, the secret to decorating with mirrors is positioning and knowing how to mix and match. Make sure the mirror properly captures any light coming in. After all, the beauty of a mirror is coaxed out by light. If it is too little or no natural light hitting the mirror add your own light fixtures. An overhead or wall light directed towards the mirror will create a beautiful effect.

In larger areas such as the living room, hang several mirrors with varying shapes and sizes. Just make sure the mirrors are complementing each other and not competing for attention. For instance, you can have several round mirrors with different sizes. Each can have its own slightly different frame that blends well with the rest.
